Sunday, October 30, 2011

Chapter 10: Product Concepts

I have been working on Razer for more than half of the semester and discovering the strategy, advertising, retailing, and products, the way consumers view Razer and its products. Razer has the variety of products that support human beings, specifically, gamers. Therefore, it is really hard to define one specific type of product.
Razer Mouses
An Razer product can be called a shopping product rather than a convenience product because it is more expensive if comparing with other products. But Razer product enjoy the status of specialty products because of its selective. As i have stated before that Razer's target market is gamer, therefore not all of consumers know about Razer. But whenever talking with gamers, they definitely know about Razer. Try it! Rarely does a company sell a single product; more often it sells a variety of things. Razer does not sell only one specific product, but they do sell one type of product but different in appearance and performance. For instance, they sell many kinds of mouse such as Razer Mamba or Razer Naga Epic; it depends on the needs of customer.
Razer Switchblade

The way Razer has been marketed and branded consumers do have this concept of an Razer product being a specialty product. Those that are Razer users are very reluctant to accept substitutes and Razer definitely has an exclusive image. Razer is a brand that is totally different from the other lines. Razer is quality, is essential and exclusive. The direct experience from gamers all over the world can prove that message. Any customer ( including my self) would feel the differences. Although Razer products are more expensive and have this very stylish, elegant but customers still feel it's reachable and accessible. This brand has been successful for a few year; and now they are taking a big step into the technology world by releasing the Razer Swithblade-the true first portable laptop.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chapter 18: Sales Promotion and Personal Selling

In addition to using advertising, public relations, and personal selling, marketing managers can use sales promotion to increase the effectiveness of their promotional efforts. Razer actually gives consumer many promotion. They do not have aggressive campaign like other companies such as Dell or Asus, but they do give the consumer what they expect from the promotion.

Many companies are using the method of giving customers chances to have free shipping. And Razer is doing that way too, at the moment they are offering the deal of free shipping for order above $50. There was one promotion that whenever we order anything from, we will get a Free Razer beanie. One of their most popular promotion campaigns had been Free Razer Attitude T-shirt+ Free Shipping for order above $150. They also offer many exclusive promotions fro royal customers.

While most of Razer's products are selling online and retailers, they do not really have personal selling. But they do have customer services that help customers to be able to choose the right products.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chapter 17: Advertising and Public Relations

For many people, they don't really know about Razer because their target market is specifically gamer( amateur, advance, professional). People think that is because they don't advertise to every person. Razer has many great products, of course, they can not sell themselves, no matter how good they are. Razer is a company that doesn't advertise aggressively, doesn't have big campaigns like Apple, but they put a lot of thought, effort, and time to figure out the most effective advertisement for a group of people.

In many computer convention, specifically, gaming conventions, you can easily find the ad of Razer. At Consumer Electronics Show 2011( CES 2011) in Las Vegas, Razer had showed off their newest product- Razer Switchblade. This is the technology era, it is developing non-stop. Every computer company tries to best to reach the edge, specifically, gaming computer company. Razer is the one who leads the new era of gaming laptop and delivers a whole new ultimate experience to gamers all around the world.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Chapter 15: Retailing

Although Razer is a company selling product all over the world, but they do not have direct sales store. Instead, they use the method of selling products through retail store such as BestBuy or J&R. Not only that, Razer Online Store is quite popular, as it is accessible worldwide and convenient. As we know, Apple is one of the most popular product in the world, Razer has application that allows customer be able to buy their products online just through an Iphone.

In the retail store such as J&R near Brooklyn Bridge, you can easily find Razer products because, they are placed in a separate section; including most of Razer Gaming Mice( Razer Mamba, Razer Naga Epic, Naga Imperator, etc.), Razer Gaming Keyboard( TRON® Gaming Keyboard Designed by Razer, StarCraft® II Razer Marauder, etc.), headphone, and complementary products such as speaker or mousepads. Not only at J&R, BestBuy is also one of the popular Electronic company in NYC; it is really easy to find one. However, most of Razer's products have sold by Razer Online Store. By that way, they do not need to spend time to find the retail store; instead,they just need to go online to find the product that they want. In the gaming world, Razer is the most popular brand so at any computer convention, consumer can find it too.
BestBuy NYC 5th Avenue

I have visited some retail stores of BestBuy and J&R, but i do not feel convenient because assistants do not really know about Razer's products. It is understandable because in a big store like that, there are a lot of things they need to take care of. So i choose the other way, buying those products online. You can chat directly with the company if you want to ask any question. They will help you find the product according to your preferences. I feel comfortable with Razer's services.